Happy New Year!
The idea of an anchor card came to me in a dream. In the dream, I found myself onboard an eighteenth century sailing ship, a frigate. The ship was flying through the air above a valley, lush and green with trees and birdsong. I wanted the ship to stop flying so I could enjoy that valley and so, with some help, I threw the anchor overboard and we came to a stop.
Last year (2024) I had an anchor card but did not recognize it as such. The Justice card showed up in almost every reading I did for myself when I was feeling overwhelmed or troubled. This card has always felt like a STOP SIGN to me, a call to hit the pause button and to take measure. It’s the card that asks me to consider and then reconsider who I am and what I stand for.
It shows up when I have to check in with myself and my values and habits and it has encouraged me to…
Sit with my truth
Ground myself in the present
Use the sword to cut through illusion
it is this card that has helped me realize that it is impossible to be anywhere other than where I am and it encourages me to take necessary measures to restore a sense of balance.
Here is a short example of what I wrote in my journal on a day I pulled the Justice card. I wrote this as an act of grounding.
I am loved, guided and protected. I have a roof over my head. I have the support of my husband and loved ones.
What is an anchor?
An anchor is a device, usually made of steel, that is used to secure a vessel to the bed of a body of water. An anchor essentially “grounds” the vessel.
In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) an anchor is a trigger or stimulus that achieves a desired emotional state. You are constantly creating anchors through repetitive actions that are associated with the feelings you have. For example, you might anchor yourself to feeling motivated to start your day by listening to a particular song.
So what does an anchor card represent in a tarot or oracle reading?
I see the anchor card as a card of support for the year ahead. Whenever you hit a wall or struggle with “monkey mind” take out your anchor card or return to the page in your journal where you have reflected on your anchor card/s for 2025.
The anchor card serves in the following ways:
It grounds you and describes the primary activity you must engage in to achieve your desired emotional state.
It describes the mindset you must adopt in order to keep going.
It is a visual spell.
How to pull an anchor card or two for yourself
If you are using a tarot deck (Rider Waite Smith, Marseilles, Thoth) use only the Majors. If you are using an Oracle deck you can use the entire deck.
Below are my Anchor cards for 2025.
Unsurprisingly I got The Popess which is the card I associate with book writing. Specifically this card always shows up for me when I need to sit down and do “writer’s work” which involves not only hitting the keyboard & putting pen to paper but also reading, researching and editing.
The Oracle card I pulled from the Vessels +Muses Oracle deck by Zoe Pawlak is Light.
The advice in the guidebook reads as follows:
Should you be feeling a little dim, this is your permission to shine. You’re being invited to take things a little more lightly. A buoyant, graceful spirit is the best way through. If you have been feeling too serious or heavy hearted, practice moving more or refresh your willingness to let go.
This year to achieve my desired emotional state I have to continue with my focus on writing our book and adopt an attitude of lightness.
If you feel inspired by this I would love it if you shared your card or cards for the year in the comments.
Thank you for being here! ❤️
great idea
Very synchronous! I pull what I call a "Guidance card" in my annual forecast reading as an overall guide for the year to come. (I have been using the *Goddess Inspiration* oracle deck for years.)
My guiding Goddess for this year is Demeter. Her message: "Honor the divinity of your grief. Then spring will return."
The guidebook pointed me in the direction of the Thesmophoria, which I'm going to be looking into this week. (Autocorrect wanted to correct "Thesmophoria" to "The mother." HA!)