Hello dear reader,
How are you? Let me begin by thanking you for opening this letter on a day in which your inbox is flooded with Black Friday deals.
I hope Mercury Rx hasn’t been complicating matters too much. This week car troubles continued and I found myself exchanging messages with the “wrong” or rather unintended, friend about the many benefits of cinnamon.
Conversations this week with clients and friends revolve around despair and hope and purpose. Mars and Pluto are in opposition and Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius is making us question *almost* everything. You will want to check your Sagittarius house for deeper insight into what you are questioning and the density and shape of your thought-forms. Remember too that the signs ruled by Mercury, Gemini and Virgo and their houses in your birth chart will also be impacted by his retrograde motion. Same goes for Mars as he prepares to retrograde next week. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio and those houses will be impacted.
Before Pluto’s “discovery” in 1930, Mars was the planet of transformation. He is still a principle of transformation but we tend to think of him as “small transformation” and Pluto as “Big Transformation”. Mars is personal change and Pluto is collective change. If society is to change then you must start with yourself and attend to your own personal development.
New Moon in Sagittarius
The New Moon occurs this Saturday the 30th at 10:21pm PT at 9º32’ Sagittarius. This is a busy lunation that feels courageously optimistic. (Dare To be Brave)
Moon-Sun are conjoined fixed star Antares in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo. Antares means Anti-Ares which makes him Mars’ rival. Ptolemy and Anonymous both say that Antares is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter and is said to be destructive and malevolent but can also bring riches, honor, preferment and victory. Here is a call to ignite your imagination, to fight for what is in your heart and to pursue a dream.
Moon-Sun are opposite Jupiter and square Saturn in a T-square and trine Mars and the Nodes in a Grand Trine and Kite! Venus is in an out of sign conjunction with Pluto, squares Chiron, trines Uranus and sextiles Neptune. You’re taking a practical approach towards your relationships and your finances. Pluto is the god of wealth and this conjunction indicates that if you put in the work - and it may be psychological “work” - you can uncover gifts within yourself that will lead to public acclaim and success.
This lunation invites you to imagine a better world where everyone has food, love, shelter, meaningful work and where you participate in a symbiotic relationship with nature …sounds like a dream right?
I believe a better world for all is possible and here is why…
In 1968, Dr George Land and Dr Beth Jarman conducted a research study to test the creativity of 1,600 children ranging in ages from three-to-five years old. This was a test not only of creativity but also divergent thinking. He re-tested the same children at 10 years of age, and again at 15 years of age. The results were astounding.
Test results amongst 5 year olds: 98%
Test results amongst 10 year olds: 30%
Test results amongst 15 year olds: 12%
Same test given to 280,000 adults: 2%
Less than 2% of the adults tested in studies were creative geniuses.
This test showed that we are all born creative geniuses and then our creativity is schooled out of us.
Ruha Benjamin, Professor of African American Studies at Princeton speaks to the following in her book, Imagination.
Our educators are not invested in seeding and nurturing imagination. Our society does not encourage the wildscapes of imagination.
“Remember to imagine and craft the worlds you cannot live without, just as you dismantle the ones you cannot live within.”
— Ruha Benjamin
Your imagination is being managed. Your imagination has been tamed and standardized. The rich and influential - a sliver of humanity - have been granted licence to materialize their imagination and as such have monopolized imagination. Having accomplished this they continue to make decisions that impact our health and wellbeing as well as the health of our planet. They continue to dictate what we do with our Mother Earth’s gifts. I don’t now about you but I have no desire to go on a “space holiday” or to live on Mars and would rather know that billions of dollars are going towards helping people and finding solutions to real problems like climate change.
The time has come, dear reader, to take back your imagination!
“Imagination is the gateway to reality.” - William Blake
This lunation invites you to dream and to live imaginatively.
How do you do this?
Begin to imagine what is possible for you! Imagine what will open up for you if you master your gifts and share them with the world.
Imagine a better world and do your part, however small, to bring it closer to manifesting.
Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone in their must-read book Active Hope ask us to daydream, to share our dreams for a life-sustaining society with others and to brainstorm our ideas. Here is an example of a vision for a life-sustaining society: clean air, people’s essential needs are met, renewable energy, lifestyles of voluntary simplicity.
Read myths. (It will change your life)
Make art. Doodle. Draw. Write stories. Knit. Sew.
“That work that erupts from our greatest need, our sustained enthusiasm, our desire to be unmediated, untampered, not-conforming-to-expectations selves, to announce our own unfettered imaginations - those are the works we look back on with pride.”
-Beth Kephart, We Are The Words
Looking ahead…
Date: 14 December, 2024
Time: 11am-12:30pm
Join me for an exciting online event where we will explore what the stars have in store for us in the upcoming year. I will discuss next year’s main astrological events and provide insights and predictions to help you navigate through 2025 with confidence.
We will talk about …
Pluto in Aquarius
Saturn in Aries
Neptune in Aries
Uranus in Gemini
Jupiter in Cancer
Mercury & Venus Retrograde
and the 2025 eclipse cycle.
All registered participants will receive a recording of this webinar.
All proceeds from this webinar will go to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank.
Give yourself the gift of foresight and plan accordingly! I have 3 spaces left for my comprehensive and personalized 2025 Report offering ✨
This reading is LOADED with astrological information and life-changing magical tips. It is a month by month look at the story unfolding in your life and will help you get clear on your priorities.
Each recording is between 70-90 minutes long and it will be in your inbox on December 23rd.
I cover the following life areas in this reading:
Love & Luck
Money & Career
Lastly but certainly not least, thank you for your interest in my work and thank you for being here!
I suddenly realized as I read this that for probably the past year or so it feels as though I have not one drop of imagination left in me. A horrible realization... thanks for the post!